I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I am craaaazy lazy when it comes to making dinner. Which is why I eat eggs all the time. Oddly enough, I don’t like eggs before 11 am. But I love them for brunch, lunch or dinner. Just not first thing in the morning. Go figure.

I discovered the frittata a few years ago when I had people coming over for brunch at the last minute and I had to pull together something with just what I had on hand.Which, depending on the week, can be pretty bleak. I knew what frittatas were, I just had never made one before. I had NO idea just how easy they were or how healthy they are (granted, that depends on what you put in… but at least there is the option to make it healthy…) . And the best part? THEY LOOK LEGIT. Like you know your stuff in the kitchen. After that, I think I went on a 3 month frittata bender when I was making them all the time.

Basically a frittata is an egg dish you make in one pan and you can throw in just about anything and it will taste awesome. You cook it for a bit on the stove top, and then move it into the oven to finish cooking. One dish people. One. Dish. Hollah. If you have eggs and veggies on hand, you can make a fritatta right now. Even better, if you have fun things like herbs, cheese or potatoes kicking around, toss those in to make it even better.

FYI, my ingredients below don’t need to be so precise. If you like goat cheese more than ricotta, add more of that and vice versa. If you have less potatoes on hand, no biggie, just add what you have. I like a lot of herbs, but you can add less if that’s more your style… point being, make it work for you, you can’t fail. Girl Scouts honor.

Recipe: Rosemary Prosciutto Potato Fritatta  |  Soundtrack: Ryan Adams

  •  1 medium russet potato thinly sliced
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 3/4 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 10 eggs
  • 1 tbsp cream or milk
  • 6 slices of prosciutto torn into pieces
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 1/4 cup goat cheese crumbled
  • 2 tbsp fresh rosemary
  • salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 400º.

In a 10 inch cast iron skillet or a nonstick frying pan if that’s what you have, add a bit of olive oil and begin to warm the pan over medium heat. Add the potatoes to the pan. Throw in a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir occasionally until they are soft, about 5 minutes. Add in the onion and cook for about 5 minutes more until the onions are translucent. Add in the mushrooms and saute for another 1-2 minutes.

Meanwhile, which these are cooking, whisk together the eggs and cream. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Once the potatoes, onions and mushrooms are ready, add the egg mixture lowering the heat to medium-low on the stove. Cook, stirring gently until the eggs start to set, but not begin to scramble. Add in the ricotta cheese, goat cheese, prosciutto and rosemary. Cook the eggs undisturbed until they begin to set around the edges about 3-4 minutes more. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake until the eggs are set around the edges and just firm in the center. About 10 minutes. Remove from the oven.

If you have a nice cast iron skillet, I actually like to serve it right out of the pan. If not, loosen the sides of the frittata with a knife or a spatula, hold a platter over the pan and turn it over so the fritatta comes right out of the pan. Using a second plate or platter, place it over the frittata and flip right side up. Cut into wedges and serve while warm.

BTW, this goes great with the Blueberry Cornmeal Cake.

About the author


Fact. I believe eating your feelings is highly underrated, a good soundtrack is essential to baking and that most life decisions can be solved over a perfect chocolate chip cookie and a tall glass of milk. Want to see more? Follow me on instagram @kj_bluebellcourt

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