My Junior Prom was epic. Epically bad. Basically it was a blind date gone horribly wrong, which was the Universes way of saying I screwed up when I turned down my super sweet friend when he asked me to be his date all because he wanted to make me a spaghetti dinner instead of taking me somewhere fancy. I was a real gem at 16. So yeah, Universe:1, Me: 0. I’ll spare you the details because the story is too long, but lets just say it involves a plastic corsage, a splatter paint tuxedo and so so so many awkward silences.

But more importantly, how does this have anything to do with donuts. After the Prom was over, we drove the hour home in absolute silence. His radio was broken so it was pin drop level silent. So awkward. I figured I we were going straight home. Nope. Clearly he had a different plan. He pulled his car into the Pam’s Donuts parking lot. Say what? We drove all the way back from Prom to get a donut? Apparently so. As we were walking out of Pam’s with donuts in our hands, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some Binaca breath spray and turned away and started spraying. Um, yeah. Dream on buddy, I’m not kissing you after this train wreck of a Prom date.

Looking back now, that sprinkled donut was hands down the high point of my Prom. Proving once again that donuts can salvage almost any situation. Except for my Prom date. Sorry buddy, no action for you, even after you bought me a donut.

Recipe: Orange Cinnamon & Sugar Donut Holes  |  Soundtrack: Cake


  • 2 1/4 Cups Flour
  • 1 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/8 Tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Unsalted Butter, Melted
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp Orange Zest
  • Canola Oil for Frying
  • 1 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Orange Zest

To make the batter:
In a medium sized bowl sift together flour, cinnamon, baking powder and salt.

In a large bowl or a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs and the sugar until creamy and pale, about 5 minutes. Add half of the flour mixture and beat until just incorporated. Add the milk, melted butter, and vanilla, beat until blended well. Add the remaining flour mixture and the orange zest, beat on low speed until the dough comes together. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or until the dough feels firm to the touch.

Line a baking sheet with paper towels to prep for the finished donuts. Fill a heavy saute pan or a deep fryer with the oil. Make sure it has a depth of about 2 inches. Warm over medium-high heat until a thermometer reads 360°. If you do not have a thermometer, sprinkle a tiny bit of water into the oil, if it crackles and bubbles, it’s hot and ready to go.

Lightly oil your hands and scoop about a Tbsp of dough, roll it into a ball and gently slide it into the oil. Put about 6-8 donut holes in the pan at a time. Do not overcrowd. The donuts should float to the top and puff up to about double their size. Deep fry until golden on the bottom, Using tongs or a slotted spoon, turn the donuts over and keep cooking until the other side is golden brown as well. If they are cooking too fast and getting too dark on the outside, turn the temp down a bit. Once cooked, transfer the donuts to the towel lined baking sheet. Continue until all batter is cooked.

To make the topping: In a large bowl, mix the cinnamon and sugar and orange zest until well combined. The orange zest will want to clump so just keep mixing until it gets incorporated. Melt the butter in a bowl. Lightly dip or brush the cooked donut holes with butter and roll them in the cinnamon and sugar mix. Serve right away.

Makes about 20 donut holes.


About the author


Fact. I believe eating your feelings is highly underrated, a good soundtrack is essential to baking and that most life decisions can be solved over a perfect chocolate chip cookie and a tall glass of milk. Want to see more? Follow me on instagram @kj_bluebellcourt

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