I grew up on Bluebell Court.

It’s where I first learned how to measure, sift, stir and shake.

I learned early on that baking for someone meant love. My mother would wake up before the sunrise to make loaves of bread for our neighbors, the women in our congregation who just had a baby or for her best friend’s son who didn’t get a slice of goo bread the last time he came over. Seriously, loaves for days. Basically, my mother baked for everyone she loved. And I watched it all while sitting on the kitchen counter in our house on Bluebell Court.

As a result, chances are, if you have ever been a part of my life,  I’ve forced you to eat whatever recipe I was currently trying to perfect because to me, baking is love. Side note: My friends are good sports. For reals.

As I grew up I also learned that the kitchen was a place where I could clear my head and just escape. It’s still the place I feel most alive and comfortable, especially with great music playing. Baking and music… one just seems to need the other, right?

So welcome. Make yourself at home. Let’s turn on some music and get baking together.




About the author


Fact. I believe eating your feelings is highly underrated, a good soundtrack is essential to baking and that most life decisions can be solved over a perfect chocolate chip cookie and a tall glass of milk. Want to see more? Follow me on instagram @kj_bluebellcourt

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